Health & Wellness E-Com Owners:

We Will Personally Help You Add $10,000-$35,000 In Revenue To Your Business Within The Next 30 Days (and You DON'T PAY Until We Do)...

The E-commerce industry will double to $7 TRILLION in the next 72 months. Here’s how to capture your share…

Dear E-Com Entrepreneur,The e-commerce and supplement markets are about to get bigger than ever.Which means there is a huge opportunity to make a LOT of money…And an equally big risk — of missing out on a lot of money.Let me explain.The pandemic effectively removed the reins from the e-commerce markets.According to, the E-com industry grew by $244.2 billion in 2020 alone.But that’s nothing.Mordor Intelligence suggests that in the next six years…The health & wellness E-com niche will grow by $34.3 BILLION.Take a look:

This means it’s easier than ever to make money selling health & wellness products online, right?Wrong.See…20% of e-com businesses crumble within their first year…And nearly 50% of e-com businesses fail within their first five years — despite the market being juicer than ever!

What does that mean for your e-com business?It means the reward for being in the 50% that thrive is only growing larger…But so is the cost of NOT being in that 50%.Which is why, right here on this page, I’m about to show you the key difference between e-com companies that crash and burn…And those that burn bright to rake in tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars a month.Then, I’ll show you how I’ve personally helped my clients’ e-com operations significantly fatten their monthly recurring revenue to ensure they’re on the winning side of this historic market expansion.

First though, let me show you why 50% of e-com founders fail.

NGMI: E-Com founders who DON’T do this

The evidence is clear: Poor cash flow management is the #1 killer.In other words, not being able to trust, predict and control your revenue and expenditure.Now, I’ve worked with multiple e-com businesses, from those doing four figures a month right up to six figures.And do you know what the #1 cause of poor cash flow is?Poor email marketing.Email marketing might sound dated, boring or ‘low tech’ compared with all the AI whizz-bang everyone is raving about lately.But facts are facts.Email is hands down the highest-ROI business growth channel you have at your disposal as an e-com business owner.Because nowhere else can you invest $1…And get $36 back.

Read that again.One dollar in, $36 out.On average.Say your e-com business’s emails only did HALF that well.You could spend $10,000 on an email campaign…And still make your money back plus $170,000 in profit!Match the industry benchmark (which, by the way, I help my clients outperform), and you’re raking in $350,000 on that $10K investment.These numbers are the reason I’ve dedicated my career to partnering with fast-moving e-commerce founders to extract the highest-possible ROI from their email marketing.Because with the global e-commerce marketplace doubling in size in the next six years…The opportunities to make massive sums of money with email have never been this big, nor this plentiful.More on that in a second. First, allow me to introduce myself.

$200K In A Day — My E-Commerce Email Odyssey

My name's Tom Leonard.I'm a direct response copywriter from Maidenhead, England.I dropped out of college to become a 6-figure copywriter.Since 2022, I've been working exclusively in the health & wellness e-com industry.The bulk of my time has been spent slugging it out in one of the most cutthroat, saturated markets around:The nicotine pouch industry.This beast of a market is growing at a staggering pace, with projections of 33% CAGR in the US alone!

We're talking about an industrial battlefield rife with "me-too" products, cookie-cutter brands, and big tobacco behemoths breathing down your neck.But I quickly learned the secret to thriving in this chaos...Saturated = $$$ for the taking.And boy, did I grab it by the fistful…I took parched, struggling nicotine pouch e-com brands and morphed them into cash-generating powerhouses.Let me show you some of the results:

A 7-day sales email sequence:

Handing my client £1,117 with a £6 product:

My emails obliterated the industry average open rate by more than 3X:

Raising the AOV by nearly 100%... (Almost doubling the visitor’s average order value):

Changing the copy of a product, generating £3,502 of revenue in 6 days, and raising the conversion rate by 1.75%:

These are real results I’ve created with real clients.But here’s the thing…I’m looking for my next e-commerce client.Specifically, someone who’s hungry to make the results above look trivial by comparison.In fact — I’m willing to give you something I used to double email list revenue overnightJust to see if you might be a fit for my service.I’ll reveal what I mean in a moment…But first, let me explain why now is the best time to invest in e-com email marketing.You see…

The E-com Industry will double to $7 TRILLION in the next few years — but you’ll only be able to capitalise if you make the right moves, in the right order

The industry is expected to grow by $3,000,000,000,000 in the next few years.That’s a lot of zeroes, I know.Just take a look at this:

The reality is — the majority of businesses will miss out on their share of $1,369,863,014 a day…Why?Well, the market is crammed with countless products…From the vast array of generic supplements…To the abundance of "Lion's Mane Coffee" options…The competition is fierce:

And with so many competitors offering nearly identical products…Inconsistent monthly revenue and fluctuating returning customer rates BECOMES THE NORM.With just over 35% of UK-based e-commerce businesses failing in their first few years…It gives a terrifying reason for Failory to nickname the e-com industry "The Start-Up Cemetery"...Remember what I showed you about 50% of e-com businesses failing...And 80% of those failures coming down to unpredictable cashflow?Well, unpredictable cashflow is a consequence of a saturated market…Where your product gets swamped in a sea of sameness.

But as you’ve just seen…Not only do my clients not end up in the Start-up Cemetery…They hit massive numbers far higher than the benchmark among the 50% of e-commerce businesses who survive!

How to capitalise on the E-com market growth — and generate more revenue from it today (for FREE)...

Now, you could have the best emails in the world…But if no one ends up seeing them…Then your efforts are by definition pointless.On top of this…Recent updates from Yahoo & Gmail enforcing changes for bulk senders of emails (5,000+ per day)...Have only made email filters stricter.And a stricter email filter means — an increased likelihood of ending up in spam:

To make matters worse…Email filters will only keep getting stricter.According to MarTech, Microsoft will impose strict regulations commencing January 2025:

And if your emails keep getting caught in spam filters, don’t worry…You're not alone…You're in the same boat as a staggering 46% of business owners who don't even realise it's happening.In fact — 21% of opt-in emails never reach the inbox.That means if you have a list of 10,000 subscribers, over 2,100 of them will never see your emails.And it gets worse…A report by Convincely found that the average cost of a spam complaint is $287…And it only takes an average of 0.44 complaints per 1000 emails to get your account mercilessly shut down by your email service provider.But here's the good news — it doesn't have to be this way.There's a solution, and it's simpler than you might think…Fix your email deliverability.You can click the button below and I will personally:- Give your email list a ‘wellness’ check: I'll take a look at your email setup, untangle any knots and make sure everything runs like a well-oiled machine. Meaning no more landing in spam, higher deliverability, and maximum chance to maximize your sales.- Give you my secret "3-step spam slayer" technique: I'll reveal the three factors that land your emails in spam purgatory (these are purely technical and have nothing to do with your email copy, btw).- Unlock the post "email release" money-printing blueprint: I'll hand you a foolproof plan for what to send after your emails hit the primary inbox. Plain text? Fancy designs? I'll show you what's not only best, but also what’s proven to drive the most money to your account, the fastest.The best part?The call and analysis are for FREE.Zero obligation from your side.All you have to do is click the button below…Fill in the form…And get results like this…

Before working with me...

After working with me...

The choice is yours: Make more money today at zero cost — or let vital revenue slip through your fingers…

Alright, two options.

Option 1: Do nothing = change nothing

You ignore this offer…Go back to your day-to-day.And go it alone trying to keep your e-com biz out of the Start-Up Cemetery.And keep letting money slip through your fingers.

Option 2: Seize this opportunity — Start printing money

Book your free call with me.If you’re reading this, it means I still have availability (I only do four or five of these calls each month).I’ll take a look under your email account’s hood and let you know immediately if you're bleeding money through missed opportunities.Then, we can talk about CREATING more opportunities.Remember…

We get results like this with an email sales sequence:

We raise AOV by nearly 100%:

And we triple the industry average open rate:

If you’re reading this still, then chances are you already know it’s possibly business suicide NOT to book a chat.Just fill out the form and I’ll be in touch with next steps.

Tom, one sec…why’s it free?

When we hop on this call, one of two things will happen:We hit it off, you love the value I deliver, and you can't wait to throw your money at me for more of my profit-bumping services.1. You walk away with a completely FREE, custom-tailored email game plan that you can immediately implement to start printing cash.
It's a win-win, either way.
2. If you’re not completely blown away by our chat or the results you see (or I decide your business isn’t the right fit for me right now), I’ll make sure you walk away happy no matter what.3. I'll hand you my proven DFY templates, ready for you to plug and play with your copy and hit send.Oh, and did I mention…These templates come with a full set of deliverability instructions, and a Loom video walkthrough showing you exactly how to get them up and running in Klaviyo.Yep, I'm not messing around here.So, what are you waiting for?

It's time to stop leaving money on the table and start cashing in on the e-com boom.Half the people in your position are going to carve a juicy slice of the market’s boom to $7 billion (and beyond)…The other half will stumble, crumble and ultimately fail.The beauty of online business?You get to choose.Speak soon,Tom.


Q: I'm already doing email marketing. What makes you different?A: Fair question! Here's the thing - even if you're already sending emails, there's a good chance you're leaving a chunk of change on the table.
I specialize in optimising e-com email campaigns to squeeze out every last drop of revenue. I'll help you boost your deliverability, open rates, click-through rates, and most importantly, your bottom line.
Q: My email list isn't that big. Will this still work for me?A: Great question — we tend to only work with people who have a list of 2000+ people. We can work with you if you have a smaller list, but we’d need to understand your situation and need for our email services.Q: I'm not exactly a tech wizard. Is this going to be complicated?A: Not even a little bit! I'll handle all the tech for you. From setting up your email automation to fine-tuning your deliverability, I'll take care of all the behind-the-scenes stuff.Q: What if I'm not thrilled with the results?A: I'm so confident that you'll be over the moon with the results I deliver, I'd bet my last dollar on it. But if for some crazy reason you're not completely satisfied — we will refund you or work for free until you see an additional $5,000 - $25,000.Q: How quickly can I expect to see results?A: While every business is unique, most of my clients start seeing serious improvements in their email marketing metrics within the first 30 days. And as we continue to work together to optimise your campaigns and grow your list, those results will just keep getting better and better.Q: What sets you apart from other email marketing experts?A: I eat, sleep, and breathe the health & wellness e-com niche. That means I have an insider's understanding of what works (and what doesn't) in this specific industry. Plus, I have a track record of delivering insane results for my clients, even in ultra-competitive markets like the nicotine pouch biz. When you work with me, you're not just getting another "expert" - you're getting a true partner who's invested in your success like it's my own.